Redeem your Groupon coupon code below - Please read carefully.Redeem your Groupon coupon:
1. Add your chosen product to the basket from this page.
2. Go to the checkout.
3. Enter or copy your exact coupon code into the coupon box provided and press apply.
4. Checkout by entering your details – you will not need to pay any more unless you select fast-track.
5. Receive your confirmation email with instruction and your downloadable forms.
Only products added from this page will work with your Groupon code.
Redeem Your Groupon Test Below
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Ordering Questions. Redeeming Groupon Voucher.
It can take 14 – 21 days for your sample results to be emailed to you once you have posted your submission form and hair sample(s) to us.
You will receive an email notification once your sample is received at our lab for testing, this means you will be receiving your results via email within 7-10 working days following that email.
Please ensure to check your junk email as sometimes our result emails can be placed there.
Please allow for your results to be delivered before you send your Groupon feedback.
Below are some familiar questions or queries which we often get asked by customers when they are trying to purchase a sensitivity test off Groupon. If you recognize any of these, then follow the steps provided which should make your purchase go a lot smoother and simpler.
You will receive an email notification once your sample is received at our lab for testing, this means you will be receiving your results via email within 7-10 working days following that email.
Please ensure to check your junk email as sometimes our result emails can be placed there.
Please allow for your results to be delivered before you send your Groupon feedback.
Below are some familiar questions or queries which we often get asked by customers when they are trying to purchase a sensitivity test off Groupon. If you recognize any of these, then follow the steps provided which should make your purchase go a lot smoother and simpler.
My code is saying it is not applicable to the cart contents.
If this appears on your screen, then you may have selected the wrong product. Please check your Groupon purchase to ensure you have the correct item in the cart. If you have added the wrong item, please delete this item from the cart and add the correct item and try your code again.
My code is saying it does not exist.
If this message appears, we would recommend checking that you are entering the voucher redemption code provided on your Groupon voucher. This is different from the Groupon transaction or security numbers.
I’ve purchased 2/3/4 codes and they won’t work.
It will not work if you have purchased multiple codes and you try to redeem them at the same time. If you have purchased multiple codes. then you need to redeem them separately, otherwise, it will not work. Please do not add multiple tests or codes to your shopping cart.
Difficulty using a handheld/mobile device.
Some customers have difficulty viewing the pages on a mobile device. We would recommend using a desktop where possible, as this will provide an easier experience where you can ensure you are selecting the right products.
I added the test to my cart but it disappeared/more in there when I went to my cart.
This can sometimes happen and to solve this solution, we recommend clearing the cookies from their browser and/or using the private browsing mode. This should resolve any issues that you are experiencing.